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A meeting of the International Energy Agency on High Temperature Superconductors at Villa Hardt

Published on 21 September 2023

The Executive Committee (ExCo) of the International Energy Agency’s Technology Collaboration Program on High Temperature Superconductors (IEA HTS TCP) convened in Geneva, Switzerland for a three-day meeting from Monday, September 18th, to Wednesday, September 20th. The HTS TCP’s mission is to assess the current state and analyze the future potential of high-temperature superconductors in the electric power sector. The aim is to share these findings with decision-makers in government, the private sector, and the research and development community. The ExCo comprises members from the United States, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Korea, and Japan.

Professor Carmine Senatore, the delegate representing Switzerland in the IEA HTS TCP under a mandate of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), hosted this meeting at the enchanting Villa Hardt in Vandoeuvres, which serves as the headquarters of the Hardt Foundation. During the meeting, Dr. Amalia Ballarino, the HTS section leader at CERN’s Technology Department, delivered an invited presentation. Additionally, she provided a technical tour of CERN’s magnet assembly and testing facilities, including a visit to the LHC control room.