MT-28: The 2023 Magnet Technology conference in Aix-en-Provence and a tour of ITER

The 28th International Magnet Technology Conference (MT-28) was hosted in Aix-en-Provence, France, from 10th to 15th September 2023. The conference attendees – more than 1’000 from all-over the world – had also the possibility to have a technical tour of the ITER site in Cadarache and see the progress in the construction of the gigantic tokamak machine.
The four abstracts of the Group of Applied Superconductivity were all selected for oral presentations:
- Quench concomitant to Lorentz-force-induced delamination in commercial REBCO coated conductors, Presenting author: Marco BONURA;
- Investigating the impact of transverse compressive stress on Nb3Sn wires for high-field accelerator magnets, Presenting author: Carmine SENATORE;
- Influence of the heat treatment on the layer-JC of internal-Sn Nb3Sn wires with internally oxide nanoparticles, Presenting author: Francesco LONARDO;
- Critical current degradation in REBCO coated conductors subjected to thermomechanical loads, Presenting author: Pablo CAYADO.