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EUCAS 2017 in Geneva!

Published on 31 August 2017

From 17th to 21st of September 2017 Geneva is hosting EUCAS 2017 (13th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity) at the International Conference Centre of Geneva (CICG) (see The conference is co-organized by CERN, University of Geneva and EPFL.

EUCAS2017, with more than 1’000 attendees, is the most important European event in this field. The Group of Applied Superconductivity is contributing to the scientific program with seven presentations: four orals and three posters. The titles of the contributions are listed here:

  • Generation of 25 T: field quality and field profile measurements of a 4 T REBCO insert coil for a 21 T LTS magnet, Presenting author: Christian BARTH;
  • High-Field Thermal Conductivity of OP Bi-2212 wires, Presenting author: Marco BONURA;
  • Ionic liquid gating of YBa2Cu3O7-x grain boundaries, Presenting author: Alexandre FÊTE;
  • Rapid synthesis of MgB2 bulks by inductive heating, Presenting author: Davide MATERA;
  • High current probe for gas flow Ic(B,T) measurements with ±0.01 K temperature precision: HTS current leads and active temperature compensation system, Presenting author: Christian BARTH, poster;
  • Investigations on the enhancement of the critical current density in Nb3Sn superconductors by internally oxidized ZrO2 particles, Presenting author: Florin BUTA, poster;
  • Effects of rolling deformation on the critical current under transverse stress of PIT Nb3Sn wires, Presenting author: Luc GAMPERLE, poster.