Congratulations to Tommaso Bagni for the Jan Evetts Award 2024

Tommaso BAGNI, a former postdoc in the Group of Applied Superconductivity and now a superconducting magnet engineer at Gauss Fusion, has been awarded the 1st prize at the 2024 Jan Evetts Award. The winners were announced at the ASC 2024 conference.
The Jan Evetts Award honors outstanding work published in Superconductivity Science and Technology by early career researchers. Tommaso received the award for his paper titled “Investigating the effect of rolling deformation on the electro-mechanical limits of Nb3Sn wires produced by RRP® and PIT technologies.”
This paper presents a study that integrates electromechanical testing at low temperatures and high fields with finite element simulations. The aim is to understand how to design Nb3Sn wires that can withstand the large electromagnetic forces expected in next-generation high-field accelerator magnets, such as those being developed for CERN’s Future Circular Collider (FCC).