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ASC2024: The Applied Superconductivity Conference in Salt Lake City

Published on 6 September 2024

The Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC) took place at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Seattle (USA) from September 1st to 6th (ASC2024 website). ASC, with more than 1’500 delegates, is the one of the most important event in the field of applied superconductivity. Our group contributed to the scientific program with four presentations: three orals and one posters. The titles of the contributions are listed here:

  • Indications of pressure-induced decomposition of the REBCO layer in Coated Conductors under thermomechanical loads, Presenting author: Celia LUCAS, contributed oral;
  • Influence of cabling on the transverse stress tolerance of RRP Nb3Sn wires: experimental and numerical study on round and rolled wires, Presenting author: Tommaso BAGNI, contributed oral;
  • Influence of oxide nanoparticle growth on the transport properties of internally oxidized Nb3Sn wires, Presenting author: Francesco LONARDO, contributed oral;
  • Laser-induced quench study of the dependence of magnetothermal stability on Nb3Sn wire design, Presenting author: Joanna KUCZYNSKA, invited poster.